

Please visit Scoil Chróine’s Facebook page if you are a parent or grandparent of one of our students

Please note:

If you are a parent or grandparent of a child attending Scoil Chróine and you would like to link up with our Facebook page, please send us a friend request!! If your request isn’t responded to within 3 days, please send a message to our Facebook messenger stating whose parent/grandparent you are.


Maintaining an online presence is vital in keeping the school community up to date with things that are happening within the school. Having a school website is an essential part of this, however web users must specifically visit the school’s website regularly to receive this information. By having a Facebook page, the school is able to feed school information, news, notices and photos directly into the personal news feed of parents and grandparents.


The purpose of having a school Facebook page is:

  • To continue to advance our school communication system with information shared via Facebook, along with the existing method of notes, text messages, Aladdin and the school website.
  • To publicise school events, and increase awareness about school fundraising.
  • To announce any updated information on our school website via Facebook.
  • To highlight positive school achievements to the school community.
  • To make school announcements


Terms of use:

  • Users cannot advertise products or services on our school Facebook page
  • Users cannot post anything on the page that could be deemed as offensive- Inappropriate or harmful comments/content will be removed immediately.
  • Users cannot engage in giving negative feedback on Facebook. It is more appropriate to deal with the school directly on such matters.
  • Users cannot mention school staff in a negative light on the school’s Facebook page.
  • Users cannot post photos on our Facebook page.


The sanction for breaking any of the above terms is an automatic ban from the page.



Please note:

You must be 13 or older is to have a Facebook account and all parents are reminded that children under the age of 13 should not be on Facebook.